Sign up form
To help me ensure the right people join the server I have set up an application process to screen people who join. These questions will help me keep the server safe and ensure that nobody joins with ulterior motives (E.g. to recruit people into a new group or journalists looking to gather information, etc.).
The process to join is as follows...
You complete this sign up form.
I email you to arrange a time for an informal chat on the phone or video call. This call is nothing to stress about, it's just chance for you to ask any questions, for me to explain how the server works and get an idea of what you need and check if you need any help with discord.
I email the invite link to the server.
If you are feeling anxious about having a call, please let me know and we can find a way of working around that. I wouldn't want anybody missing out on joining due to worrying about the initial call. Also, a few of my email responses have gone into people's junk email folder, so remember to check that too!
Information on this form will be used for the following...
To help me understand the needs of the people joining the server (E.g. what games you enjoy, what you hope to get from being a member, if you will need any help with understanding Discord).
To ensure the right people join the server (to stop people with unhelpful agendas joining).
To ensure I have a way of sending an invite link to you.
Information will be kept confidential. Once you join the server this information is no longer needed and will be deleted.
The server is FREE to join. However, there is a way to financially contribute should you wish to, but no pressure at all.
Please note: you must be 18+ years old to join.
If you don't receive a reply, remember to check your junk email box :)